
"I wasn’t put on this planet to be like everyone else." ॐ


My Interests

Spirituality, Energy, Universe & Love

Spirituality, Energy, Universe & Love

Follow The White Rabbit

Follow The White Rabbit

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built. Packages and Configurations Installscript for Mac OS X and Windows :atom:
Simple php chat command system
Synchronize Tables from Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server :page_facing_up::door:
Simple php routing-system :dart:
work-in-progress launcher for one of the Tegra X1 bootROM exploits
:electron:-Boilerplate with Marko & Webpack :hearts:
:pencil2: Fast and lightweight markdown editor, written in JavaScript. :ledger:
Small php template engine
Test Node.js web application for Microsoft Azure :cloud:
Octicon component for Marko.js, using inline SVG. 🦚
GraphQL Api Server with Express based on Node.js
Pokémon Save File Editor
Pokémon SVG Icon Webfont
The data found within the Pokémon TCG API
Load random quote from Tumblr blog. 📘✏️
:electron:-Boilerplate with React, Babel, Browserify & Gulp. :hearts:
SAP ABAP function module to call reports and pipe it's output. ⚗️
PHP Integrated Development Environment Container for Docker 🐘🐳🌱
JavaScript star rating system 🌟🌃💖
Sudoku programmed in c
Mini projects for learning swift
Demo iOS app with Swift & SwiftUI
Visual Studio Code Packages and Configurations Installscript for Mac OS X and Windows 💻
Boilerplate for Node.js Webapplications with Express, Marko.js & Vite 🧙
Send keydowns to windows
Windows WLAN Hotspot tool
Translate .xlf files using DeepL Pro Translator API for SAP